In 2023 there were 1,117 assaults on healthcare workers

Mar 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

35% of the aggressors are repeat offenders

The Health Service has given training courses together with the National Police and the Civil Guard

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1,117 assaults on healthcare workers

The Health Service of the Balearic Islands recorded a total of 1,117 assaults on health centre staff in 2023. Almost 95% were verbal assaults and the remaining 5% were physical, according to data from the 2023 report drawn up by the Health Service’s Professional Safety Service.

Of the total number of assaults, 517 took place in hospitals, 544 in primary care centres and 54 in other healthcare facilities. By professional categories, nursing staff and auxiliary nursing care technicians accounted for 50% of the assaults, doctors for approximately 29% and administrative staff for almost 16%.

Together with the National Police and the Guardia Civil, the Health Service provides training courses to its professionals to advise them on how to act in the event of aggression. These courses are part of the Interlocutor Policial Sanitario programme, designed by the Ministries of Health and the Interior, which provides recommendations for situations that occur before, during and after aggressions, such as removing throwing objects from the reach of users and patients, providing exit routes, maintaining a safe distance and speaking in a calm tone at all times.

Both the National Police and the Guardia Civil insist on the importance of reporting aggressors, as 35% are repeat offenders.