The Consell de Mallorca definitively approves the change of date of the Diada de Mallorca (Day of Mallorca)

Mar 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The 12th of September is re-established as the official date of the Diada de Mallorca, as had been agreed from 1997 to 2016

The Consell de Mallorca approved by absolute majority in an ordinary plenary session the change of date of the Diada de Mallorca from 31 December to 12 September, with seventeen votes in favour from the Partido Popular and Vox, and fifteen votes against from the PSIB- PSOE, El Pi and Més.

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The Consell de Mallorca definitively approves the change of date of the Diada de Mallorca (Day of Mallorca)

The councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, explained that “the island institution has carried out a participatory and transparent procedure, which complies with all legal guarantees and which has given a voice and a vote to all interested parties”. The Consell de Mallorca has carried out three participatory processes, opening the decision to the opinion of all the municipalities, historians and citizens.

Firstly, the president, Llorenç Galmés, sent a letter to the 53 mayors and received a response from 30 of them, of which 28 were in agreement with the change, one was against it, and another needed more information. On the other hand, it has had three reports from expert historians in the field and members of the Royal Mallorcan Academy of Historical, Genealogical and Heraldic Studies, who established that the most appropriate day to commemorate the celebration is the 12th of September.

Finally, an administrative procedure was opened to allow any citizen to register the appropriate allegations regarding the modification of the date. Two allegations were registered: one by the PSOE and the other by the OCB, both of which were rejected by the island’s legal experts in due time and form.