Erola Arcalís and Marina Planas participate in Fotofest Meeting Place 2024 portfolio viewings

Mar 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Thanks to the agreement that the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) has with the organisers of the Fotofest photography biennial, which takes place in Houston (USA) from 9 March to 11 April, the two Balearic photographers Erola Arcalís and Marina Planas are taking part in the Fotofest Meeting Place portfolio screenings, which the festival is organising as part of the biennial’s programme.

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Erola Arcalís and Marina Planas participate in Fotofest Meeting Place 2024 portfolio viewings

The selection of the two photographers has been made through an open call launched by the IEB, to enable professional Balearic photographers to participate in one of the most important specialised events in the United States. The directors of the festival, Sarah Ansell and Steven Ewans, have been in charge of selecting the participating photographers.

Fotofest Meeting Place awards two scholarships to the participants, which partially cover the registration fee. The IEB will cover the remaining registration fees, as well as the travel and accommodation expenses of the photographers to Houston.

FotoFest Meeting Place portfolio viewings are the premier photography project review programme in the United States, and participation is highly sought after by photographers. The mission of Meeting Place is to provide talented artists with new developments and professional opportunities. Each participating photographer is guaranteed 16 individual reviews, each lasting twenty minutes. Held in parallel to the FotoFest biennial exhibitions, Meeting Place brings together 150 curators, editors and photography experts to gather and review the portfolios of more than 450 artists and photographers from around the world.

In addition to the participation in the portfolio screenings, Marina Planas’ photographic work is present, with the installation “Warlike Approaches to Tourism”, in the biennial’s group exhibition “Ten by Ten”, which brings together ten photographers who participated in the Fotofest Meeting Place portfolio screenings of 2022 and 2023. On the occasion of the exhibition, on 17 March, Marina Planas participates in a creative conversation with the artist Lynn Silverman.

On the other hand, Marina Planas’ work revolves around the boundaries between art and life, reality and visual representation, fiction and memory. She is currently working on projects on themes related to archives. In recent years her work has focused on postcards and the idea of generating fiction and desire through tourist utopia. She is director of the Casa Planas Centre for Contemporary Research and Culture, where she initiated the Artistic Research Programme, which focuses on contemporary creation through residencies.