Inca, a cardio-protected city

Mar 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The capital of Raiguer has 27 new defibrillators, which have been installed mainly in municipal buildings, sports facilities and educational centres.

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Inca Town Council is developing a comprehensive cardioprotection system and has contracted a comprehensive management service for defibrillators in municipal buildings. As a result, the municipality now has a total of 27 AEDs.

As a result, the capital of Raiguer has become a cardio-protected city. “We aim to improve the health conditions and life expectancy of our population by setting up this comprehensive system that makes Inca a cardio-protected city. In this way we want to contribute to reducing the potential mortality associated with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in our municipality,” says the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

The automatic external defibrillators have been installed in all municipal sports facilities, schools and other municipal buildings. The Local Police also has 3 units, 1 located in the barracks and the other 2 in vehicles.

Finally, it should be noted that the personnel who will use them will undergo an approved training course on the correct use of the AEDs. These are electronic devices that, in a simple way, can diagnose and treat cardiorespiratory arrest or tachycardia. However, all defibrillators are available to the public and offer a simple explanation of the steps to follow in the event of having to use them.

Thus, the defibrillators are located in areas where many people regularly pass through and at strategic points, to facilitate accessibility. “We are providing the public with tools that can save lives in emergencies,” says Moreno.

Cardiac arrest is a very common pathology that causes thousands of deaths a year in Spain. Rapid action in the first minutes is key to minimising the consequences, increasing survival and improving the recovery of any person who is surprised by an episode of this type.