La Misericòrdia hosts a new edition of the Festival de Cultura Clàssica Maremagnvm: all roads lead to Rome

Mar 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The programme includes free proposals for all audiences and reflects on the tourist, religious and economic journeys of antiquity.

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La Misericòrdia hosts a new edition of the Festival de Cultura Clàssica Maremagnvm

The Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia is hosting a new edition of the Classical Culture Festival organised by the Consell de Mallorca and the Maremagnvm Balearic Association. From the 21st of March to the 3rd of April a series of conferences, workshops, guided tours and free re-enactments will be held to disseminate classical culture and bring it closer to the public. Among other activities, there will also be a storytelling event at the Misericòrdia where Odysseus will be the protagonist.

The main theme of this year’s edition is travel. The slogan is “All roads lead to Rome” and the aim is to reflect on the reasons why people travelled in antiquity in order to make comparisons with the present day. It will also study how knowledge travelled in the ancient world and how the works of Virgil, the most important poet of ancient Latin literature, were transmitted.

The Consell de Mallorca’s director of Heritage, Maria Isabel Arnau, explained that “the aim is to disseminate classical culture and bring it closer to the public in a fun, innovative way, taking advantage of the traces of our ancestors that are still very much present and the knowledge generated from their study”.

In addition, the president of the Maremagnvm Baleares Association, Maria José Valle, explained that the festival also includes the Forvm, an activity exclusively for students from schools studying Latin, Greek, classical culture or any other discipline related to the ancient world.


21st March:

19 h – Inauguration of the ‘Festival de cultura clásica 2024: Todos los caminos llevan a Roma’ by María José Valle, president of the association MAREMAGNVM BALEARES and Maria Isabel Arnau, Insular Director of Historical Heritage of the Consell de Mallorca. Room on the first floor. Courtyard of the Centre Cultural de la Misericòrdia – Plaça del Hospital, 4 – Palma.

19:30 h – Lecture: “VERBA (VERGILIANA) VOLANTE: (Virgilian) journeys by land, sea and air” by Dr. Antònia Soler. Room on the first floor. Courtyard of the Centre Cultural de la Misericòrdia – Plaça del Hospital, 4 – Palma. Free activity

22nd March:

9 h – 14 h – FORVM for schools – Historical recreation workshops to learn about the ancient world. Pati del Centre Cultural de la Misericòrdia – Plaça del Hospital, 4. Registration in advance.

23rd March:

11 a.m. – Guided tour: Classical myths in the streets of Palma. The vestiges of classical culture surround us with every step we take. The streets of our cities are full of them. We discover the myths that accompany us in the streets of Palma as we take a stroll. Meeting point: Statues of the Romans on Palma’s Rambla. Free activity. Prior registration.

16:30h – 19:00h – FORVM: Historical recreation workshops for the whole family: magic papyri, miniature legionaries, parvularium, Roman games, mythological games, reading corner and more surprises.

16:45 h – Lighting of the sacred fire of *Vesta and procession of her priestesses.

17:15 h – Storytelling: ‘The Journey of Odysseus’. The great Greek hero had thousands of adventures on his journey. Do you think the sun went out or did the gods help him?

17:45 h – Life (and death) in a Ludus Gladiatorius. What was the daily life of the gladiators? The truth of the competition in the arena: fight, spectacle or survival?

18:15 h – Probatio. The Roman legions were made up of healthy, strong men who met the legal requirements established by the Roman Empire. Could you pass the tests to become part of the Roman army? Jardines de La Misericòrdia. Via Roma, 2 – Palma. Free activity

20 h – Rome by night. Historical re-enactment show. All roads lead to Rome, and this one will take us to the year 49 B.C.E., to the Aventí, the plebeian valley par excellence in the capital of the Empire, where life does not stop when night falls. Courtyard of the Misericòrdia Cultural Centre – Plaça del Hospital, 4 – Palma. Free activity. Registration in advance.

24th March:

11 h – Conference: “All roads lead to Rome” by Dr. Fernando Lillo *Redonet.
Followed by a tasting of Roman cuisine. Matilde Hall *Scales. *Can Balaguer – C/ Unión, 3 – Palma. Free activity. Prior registration.

3rd April:

19h – Lecture: “El último viaje: inscripciones funerarias latinas del Museo de Mallorca” (The Last Journey: Latin funerary inscriptions from the Museum of Mallorca) by José Antonio Campillo. Joint activity of the Museum of Mallorca and the Friends of the Museum of Mallorca Association. Museum of Mallorca – C/ de la Portella, 5 – Palma. Free activity. Registration in advance at or by calling 971 177 838.