One of the most important cluster congresses in Europe will be held in the Balearic Islands on 24 and 25 October

Mar 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Circularity and the blue economy will be the central themes of the event, which in Spain has only been organised by Malaga and Barcelona.

The Balearic Islands will host one of the most important cluster congresses in Europe (Clusters Meet Regions) on 24 and 25 October. Last January, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform – the organisation that brings together 1,138 clusters from all over Europe – selected the candidacy presented by the Balearic Islands Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation, a milestone that in Spain has only been achieved by Malaga and Barcelona. This congress will place the Balearic Islands at the centre of innovation in Europe and serve to bring European clusters in all areas closer together.

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One of the most important cluster congresses in Europe

There is clear evidence that innovative clusters play a crucial role in regional economic development. This European conference aims to facilitate the implementation of best practices in which regional clusters are drivers of economic transition, as well as to create and promote collaborations between clusters and regional actors for industrial development, and to drive the green and digital transition.

Throughout the two days of the congress, the circularity and blue economy of the Balearic Islands will be dealt with through conferences, debates and project presentations. In addition, a session will be held to bring together the different agents to create collaborative projects on a European scale.

On the other hand, it is important to highlight that this congress will present the report on the results of the support received by the Balearic Islands from the European Commission (S3 COP-DG REGIO) for interregional cooperation of the Regional Innovation Strategy for the Smart Specialisation of the Balearic Islands (RIS3), which has received European expert help to develop it, and allows the promotion of cooperation between regions. All these themes are in line with the Government’s commitment to create the Regional Innovation Valley (RIV) of circularity in the Balearic Islands.

The Government of the Balearic Islands is also grateful for the work carried out by the innovative clusters of the Autonomous Community, some of which will actively participate in the event, for their involvement in the proposal and organisation of the Clusters Meet Regions and for the joint work carried out with the regional administration.