The president of the Consell de Mallorca celebrates with the Bombers de Mallorca the day of its patron saint

Mar 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Llorenç Galmés accompanied the emergency corps on an excursion to the summit of Puig Major to commemorate Saint John of God.

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Bombers de Mallorca

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, took part in the events to celebrate the patron saint of the Bombers de Mallorca. The president accompanied members of the fire brigade on an excursion to the summit of Puig Major. Some 250 people, including firefighters and their families, climbed to the highest point in Mallorca to commemorate Saint John of God.

President Galmés stated that “we wanted to accompany the Bombers de Mallorca on this family festival to celebrate their patron saint, Saint John of God. In this way, we want to join them in their celebration as a sign of recognition and gratitude for their work. The Bombers de Mallorca carry out exceptional work, intervening in all kinds of emergencies: from fires to rescues in traffic accidents. We can never thank them enough for their work. For this reason, we are here today to jointly celebrate their patron saint’s day and to remember that the Consell de Mallorca will always support them”.

During the meeting, the group also visited the facilities of the military base at the top of Puig Major and were able to see how the radar system works. To end the day, a ‘dinar de germanor’ was held to commemorate this family holiday. Initiatives like this help the members of the fire brigade to get together and reinforce the feeling of belonging to a group.