Approval of the Cooperation Plan for Global Transformation 2024

Mar 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The document sets out the actions and items foreseen for this year

For 2024, which marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Directorate General for Cooperation, a budget of 7,630,768 euros is foreseen.

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The Cooperation Plan for Global Transformation 2024

The Consell de Govern has approved the Annual Operational Plan for Cooperation for Global Transformation for the year 2024, which sets out the actions to be carried out, and establishes the evaluation indicators that will enable the degree of fulfilment of the objectives and results proposed to be measured.

Cooperation for global transformation is the set of actions and resources that are made available to people, communities, entities and public institutions that work with the countries and territories that are the object of cooperation actions to fight against poverty in all its manifestations; reduce inequalities; promote global justice; advance towards the effective realisation of human rights; promote a new model of life and well-being within the sustainable limits of the planet, and build a critical, responsible and committed global citizenship in the Balearic Islands.

Annual Operational Plan for Cooperation for Global Transformation 2024.
Among others, the Plan specifies the items for the financial year 2024, for which the Directorate General for Cooperation has a budget of 7,630,768 euros, of which 4,144,000 will be for international cooperation; 952,000 for education for social transformation; 1,165,500 for humanitarian action and emergencies; 875,000 for contributions to other entities, and 494,768 for operating expenses.

In terms of subsidies, the largest amount is for development cooperation projects, with €3,320,000. This is €100,000 more than the amount budgeted in 2023.

Likewise, this year 2024 will see the resumption, after several years, of the specific training for NGOs, which enables them to formulate and justify projects, and the call for grants for development workers.

One of the great challenges for 2024, according to the document, will be to review and update the regulations affected by the approval of the Law on Cooperation for Global Transformation. To this end, the new regulations of the Cooperation Council and others that affect the spaces for participation and coordination will be developed.

The Plan also envisages various international missions to countries in South and Central America with which there is a long tradition of collaboration (El Salvador, Nicaragua and Peru). With regard to Africa, a trip to Senegal is planned, with a technical visit to the Ziguinchor region where the direct cooperation project with UN Women began in 2022; to Tunisia and Morocco, to monitor the actions financed, and an identification mission to Algeria.

This year, 2024, marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Directorate-General for Cooperation, and various actions are planned to celebrate the occasion.