Ana Ferriol takes office as insular director of Families of the Consell de Mallorca

Mar 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The new insular director joins the Department of Presidency to keep on promoting the policies in matter of equality

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Ana Ferriol

This morning took place the inauguration of the insular director of Families of the Consell de Mallorca, Ana Ferriol. In this way, she replaces María Garrido, who has become part of the political group of the Partido Popular in the Consell de Mallorca as an elected councillor.

The councillor of Presidency of the Consell de Mallorca, Antoni Fuster, has appointed Ana Ferriol (Palma, 1974) as the new insular director of Families of the institution. Ferriol has a degree in Law, a master’s degree in Coaching and Mentoring and has specialised in gender violence, trafficking and people with disabilities. She has also participated in seminars focused on equality, child protection, legal psychology, among others, so she has extensive knowledge in these areas.

Among others, she has been councillor of Education, Family, Equality and Elderly between 2011 and 2013 in the City Council of Palma and, between 2013 and 2015, councillor of Social Welfare and Equality in the same institution. She speaks English and French, as well as Spanish and Catalan.

The Councillor of the Presidency assures that, with the new incorporation in the Department, the insular management will continue to be promoted as it has been done until now and will continue to take steps forward in terms of equality policies. Antoni Fuster thanked María Garrido for the great work she has done during her time in office.