Govern and FELIB agree on the criteria for the distribution of 16.4 million euros from the Local Cooperation Fund

Mar 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The joint commission formed by the Government of the Balearic Islands and the Federation of Local Entities of the Balearic Islands (FELIB) met this afternoon at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations to agree on the criteria for the distribution of the Local Cooperation Fund for 2024, which this year will amount to 16,473,618 euros.

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The distribution of 16.4 million euros from the Local Cooperation Fund

The meeting was attended by the director general of Institutional Relations and Relations with Parliament, Xesca Ramis; the president of the Federation of Local Entities of the Balearic Islands (FELIB), Jaume Ferriol, and the secretary general of this entity, Neus Serra, as well as three officials appointed by the ministry.

The criteria for distributing the funds that have been agreed upon are the same as in previous years, given that it was made clear at the meeting that these are objective criteria that were difficult to reach and on which there is consensus. Thus, the updated population criteria are applied, with a weight of 50% of the Fund, and the criterion of solidarity, with 34.25%. The Fund maintains other variables, such as the different population brackets for municipalities with fewer than 25,000 inhabitants, with 5%; those with fewer than 15,000, 7,500 and 3,000 inhabitants respectively, with 3% each; insularity, with 1.6%, and double insularity, with 0.15%.

The Local Cooperation Fund is distributed among all the local councils of the Balearic Islands and is configured as a non-finalist fund whose objective is to contribute to the economic balance of the local entities and to collaborate in the achievement of the principles of autonomy and internal financial sufficiency and in the realisation of the principle of solidarity.