The SOIB announces courses to train professional passenger and goods transport drivers

Mar 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The specialised classes will begin in March and are included in the 2024-26 call for on-the-job training aimed at employed persons.

The timetable for the classes will make it easier for potential future lorry and bus drivers to take the DGT exams in May, before the start of the tourist season.

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The SOIB announces courses to train professional passenger

The Government is taking the first steps to respond to the labour market’s demand for professionals in hard-to-fill workplaces with a call for courses aimed at training professional drivers for passenger and goods transport services (driving licences C and D and the initial CAP certification).

The Balearic Islands Employment Service (SOIB), through the 2024-2026 call for on-the-job training for employed persons, is promoting this training, with classes starting in March to train professional drivers for both passenger transport services (buses) and goods transport, highly specialised jobs that are in historical demand on the islands due to the current lack of professionals.

It is a profession with a demanding accreditation and also represents a considerable economic challenge for those interested because of the associated costs. The SOIB recognises the importance of overcoming these barriers and invests efforts to facilitate access to this training.

The aim is that those who aspire to enter this highly demanded and specialised field of work will find with this call for applications an opportunity with access to the sector, thus contributing to meeting the needs of the market and strengthening the workforce in the transport sector in the Balearic Islands.

“We are very pleased to be able to start these training courses this year because we are responding to the high demand for specialised drivers in the transport sector and the lack of supply that exists,” said the Councillor for Enterprise, Employment and Energy, Alejandro Sáenz de San Pedro, He added, “these are courses that provide the best possible preparation for people in positions that are difficult to fill, and with them we are facilitating access to new job opportunities and stability for the citizens of the Islands, while at the same time boosting the market and the Balearic economy, especially given the start of the next tourist season”.