“More than 40 million journeys a day and still some people think they go it alone”

Mar 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Driving is not an individual act. Many people think that it is, that their driving skills are enough to make any journey safely and that it is others who create dangerous situations, but the truth is that road safety is a collective responsibility.

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More than 40 million journeys a day

This message that “driving is sharing” is the focus of the new awareness campaign launched tomorrow by the Directorate General of Traffic which, with the slogan “more than 40 million journeys a day and some still think they go it alone”, shows, through different daily situations, drivers as part of the problem and also part of the solution.

With a friendly tone and playing with a well-known song such as “Sola otra vez” made popular in its day by Celine Dion, the spots show different drivers at the wheel, singing and driving as if they were alone on the road.

The making of the spots makes us see that the reality of the traffic ecosystem is far from the situation of loneliness that the driver imagines and we can see how his or her way of driving conflicts with other cars, pedestrians, users of personal mobility vehicles, etc.

In the video, users will be able to play with the central concept of the campaign, “you are not alone” through the reproduction of a video of a route with a double point of view: on the one hand, the subjective view of the driver accompanied by the music of the campaign and, on the other hand, when pausing the music, the perspective of the route with the rest of the actors present: pedestrians, other cars, users of personal mobility vehicles, etc.

Further information
Video: “On the road #novassolo”.