SFM adds 17 permanent employees to its staff, including 14 train drivers

Mar 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The incorporation of new staff and 5 new trains throughout the year will enable the extension of timetables and frequencies.

Servicios Ferroviarios de Mallorca (SFM) has increased its staff with 17 new employees, who have started their working relationship this week. There are 14 new train drivers, 2 administrative staff and 1 traffic factor (technician in charge of railway traffic control). Since 2007, no public offer of employment has been completed to incorporate new staff into the public railway company.

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During this week, the new staff has joined SFM, and signed employment contracts with the company’s manager, José Ramón Orta; they were welcomed at a meeting with the management, the heads of Human Resources and other departments and members of the Works Committee; they have passed the medical check-up and, since Wednesday, both the drivers and the traffic factor have started the theoretical and practical training.

The new drivers are expected to start providing commercial service during the first fortnight of July on the metro service, and will then gradually join the Inca, Manacor and Sa Pobla routes. With this incorporation, the process of the Public Employment Offer 2019/2020, which offered 30 new vacancies for the free shift and 13 for internal promotion as SFM labour staff, in which some 500 people finally registered, has been completed.

Of the total number of new posts offered, 24 were for train drivers (21 for open competition and 3 for internal promotion). In the end, this public offer of employment has enabled a total of 16 new drivers to be recruited (14 by open competition, who joined this week, and 2 by internal promotion). The company will have 77 drivers on staff.

Although it has not been possible to fill all the posts offered, the workforce will now have many drivers which will enable improvements to be made to the service. Together with the arrival of the 5 new quadruple trains, the addition of new drivers will make it possible to extend timetables and increase frequencies to cope with the constant increase in demand in recent years.

In addition, SFM expects to be able to publish a new public offer of employment before the end of the year, the process of which would take place during 2025. Concerning the 5 new trains acquired by SFM, the first unit arrived in Mallorca at the end of February, has already begun the testing period on the track and is expected to enter service at the end of June. The incorporation into service of the other 4 new trains that are due to arrive in Mallorca will be carried out gradually from June until the end of this year.