Educació has put out to tender 2.7 million euros worth of improvement works at nine schools in the last two weeks

Mar 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Among the actions, tenders have been invited for the drafting of projects, the construction of a dining room or extensions to the spaces.

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Educació has put out to tender 2.7 million euros worth of improvement works at nine schools

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities, through the Balearic Institute of Educational Infrastructures and Services (IBISEC), has put out to tender nine improvement projects in educational centres for a total value of 2,749,395.25 euros in the last two weeks.

Specifically, these include the construction of a new dining room at CEIP Costa i Llobera (607,374.40 euros) and the improvement of the pavement at CEIP Joan Mas (237,874.21 euros) in Pollença; the adaptation of the kitchen at CEIP Rodamilans in Sineu (199,908.27 euros), the complete renovation of the bathrooms at CEIP Verge de Lluc in Palma (244,294.49 euros), the extension with four classrooms at IES Damià Huguet in Campos (735. 992.56 euros), the improvement of the heating system at the CIFP Juníper Serra de Palma (259,314.21 euros), the repair of the guttering at the CEIP de Prácticas de Palma (147,035.52 euros), as well as the tenders for the drafting of the projects for the new CEIP in Felanitx (141,373.08 euros) and the new IES in Ibiza (176,228.51 euros).

new CEIP in Felanitx (141,373.08 euros) and the new IES in Ibiza (176,228.51 euros).

With all these actions, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has begun the procedures to respond to the demands of the educational community of each centre. In addition, the Department is continuing to work on finalising the new Infrastructure Plan, which will include the most necessary actions in the educational centres of the Balearic Islands and the new educational facilities that are planned.

It should be remembered that the Minister of Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, visits all the schools in the Balearic Islands to gather the demands of the management teams.