President Galmés attends the presentation of Santanyí’s tenth anniversary SICTED quality tourism badges

Mar 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

There are currently 40 establishments and entities adhered to in the municipality

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Presentation of Santanyí’s tenth anniversary SICTED quality tourism badges

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, attended the ceremony to present diplomas to establishments in the municipality of Santanyí that have committed themselves to improving the quality of destinations this year, the 10th anniversary of the launch of the SICTED project in the town. A project promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism, which has the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.

Llorenç Galmés was the driving force behind the implementation of SICTED in Santanyí when he was mayor, and for this reason, he stressed that “the aim was to improve the tourist experience, improve the quality of their services and guarantee the quality of the service offered by the establishments in the area, and now, ten years later, it is a pleasure to see that with that effort there are already 40 hotel establishments, restaurants and other services that have joined to offer the best possible services to all those who visit the municipality”.

Obtaining the SICTED Destination certificate means adopting a methodology that provides a comprehensive and permanent quality management system for a tourist destination, with a new concept for the results achieved, focused on achieving continuous improvement and an attitude of recovery and valuing the resources and space available. In this sense, Galmés wanted to “thank the work carried out by all the establishments that are members of SICTED and that are committed to quality and excellence in tourism”.

The event, which was held in Cala d’Or, was attended by the mayoress of Santanyí, Maria Pons, and the councillor for Tourism, Rafael Batle.