The Consell de Mallorca celebrates World Theatre Day starting an annual tradition to pay tribute to personalities linked to the world of performing arts

Mar 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Serafín Guiscafré, Cristina Valls and Alexandre Ballester, among others, already have a seat at Palma’s Teatre Principal.

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World Theatre Day

The Consell de Mallorca is paying tribute to 20 personalities from the world of the performing arts by naming seats in Palma’s Teatre Principal after them. This is an initiative that was born this year to celebrate World Theatre Day, and to make it an annual tradition.

People like Serafín Guiscafré, Cristina Valls and Alexandre Ballester, among others, already have their seats in Palma’s Teatre Principal. The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, has highlighted the artistic, intellectual, technical and managerial legacy left by all these personalities: “We must preserve, remember and keep in mind all these people who are no longer here, but who have left their mark on the public theatre. Now, week after week, a spectator will honour, with his or her presence, the work of these professionals”.

Furthermore, Roca insisted that these 20 people contributed to making culture greater: “Art is the best antidote to dehumanisation and intolerance and is the fuel that makes us advance in freedom”, he assured.

For her part, the Mallorcan actress Llum Barrera was in charge of reading the manifesto for World Theatre Day, which this year was written by the Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2023. Barrera mentioned the 20 new names on the seats of the Teatre Principal, among them Llorenç Villalonga, Rafel Nadal, Catalina Valls and Xesc Forteza.

Finally, the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, stressed that this measure represents “a look back to keep alive the memory of those who are no longer here, but who left so much among us”. Galmés also had a few words of remembrance for those performing arts professionals who work every day to raise the curtain and keep the theatre alive.

People honoured

The people honoured this year are Joan Maria Thomàs, musician and composer; Antoni Lliteres y Carrió, composer; Pere Capellà, author; Joan Mas i Bauzà, author; Alexandre Ballester, author; Llorenç Villalonga, author; Catalina Valls, actress; Rafel Ramis, actor; Cristina Valls, actress; Xesc Forteza, actor, playwright and director; Rafel Nadal, musician and founder of the Teatre Principal Choir; Pedro Fuentes, tenor and porter of the Teatre Principal; Serafín Guiscafré, director of the Teatre Principal 1980-1995; Pere Noguera, director 1995-1999; Pere Lluís Caminals, actor and head of the theatrical area of the Teatre Principal; Mauricio Gallardo, drama teacher of the Teatre Principal choirs; José Soler, head of the auditorium of the Teatre Principal; Bernat Damians, machinist of the Teatre Principal; Guillermina Ramios, singer of the Teatre Principal Choir; Isabel Marín, founding singer of the Teatre Principal Choir.