47 projects are presented in the call for grants for cooperation for the global transformation of the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs

Mar 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The call has a maximum budget of 3.3 million euros.

A total of 47 projects have been submitted to the call for applications for grants for cooperation for global transformation announced by the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs through the Directorate General for Cooperation and Immigration. The total grant requested for these projects amounts to €4,405,942.83, while the call was for a maximum of €3,320,000.

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47 projects are presented in the call for grants for cooperation for the global transformation

The main countries targeted by the projects submitted are Senegal (9); Burkina Faso, Guatemala and Peru (4); and Bolivia, Mali and Ethiopia (3).

The call for proposals aims to contribute to eradicating poverty in the territories of the South and, consequently, to improve the living conditions of the population. It also facilitates the participation of civil society in the Balearic Islands in solidarity projects and aims to raise awareness in society about the reality of the territories of the South.

The projects must be implemented during 2024.