Nearly 400 vehicles were inspected and 76 complaints at Palma airport in the campaign against intrusion and control of public passenger transport (taxis, VTC and coaches)

Mar 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

With the three-day campaign at the airport, more than 30% of the VTC fleet and more than 10% of taxis in Mallorca have been inspected.

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Nearly 400 vehicles were inspected and 76 complaints at Palma airport

Nearly 400 vehicles were inspected and 76 reports were issued at Palma airport over the last three days, between Tuesday and Thursday. This is the balance of the campaign against intrusion and control in public passenger transport (taxis, VTC and coaches) deployed at the beginning of Easter by the Directorate General of Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, in collaboration with the Local Police of Palma and the Civil Guard Traffic.

During these last three days, a total of 396 vehicles have been inspected, of which 223 taxis (80 intercity and 143 from Palma), 133 VTC and 40 buses, with 76 reports having been processed by the Directorate General of Mobility. It should be noted that these figures mean that, through this control campaign at the airport, more than 30% of the VTC fleet and more than 10% of the taxi fleet in Mallorca have been inspected.

Five inspectors and three agents from the Directorate General of Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, new agents from the Palma Local Police and a daily average of four agents from the Guardia Civil de Tráfico (Civil Guard Traffic Police) have been working at Palma airport over the last three days.

The complaint reports were opened for the different types of vehicles inspected: 33 Palma taxi vehicles, 23 intercity taxis, 11 occasional transport buses and 9 VTCs. The reasons for the infringements detected were very diverse, mainly due to non-compliance with the fare system in the case of taxis, the lack of any authorisation for taxis and minibuses for discretionary transport, other infringements in relation to the urban regulations for taxis and, in the case of VTCs, some for not registering services or for not complying with the advance notice period for pre-contracting.

In all these cases, once the entire inspection procedure has been carried out by the technicians, it will be determined whether or not it is appropriate in each case to continue with a sanctioning file.

On the other hand, the Directorate General for Mobility has published on its website an explanatory note on the pre-contracting of occasional passenger transport services by bus, due to complaints received about customer recruitment practices outside the offices or premises of the transport company.

In this note, it is reminded that by current regulations (article 63.4 of Law 4/2014 on land transport and sustainable mobility of the Balearic Islands), occasional passenger transport services by bus must always be previously contracted. This prior contracting can be carried out by the transport company and by the legally authorised transport intermediary; and finally, the contracting and recruitment of clients outside the offices or premises of the transport company is prohibited.