SAMU06 provides training in out-of-hospital emergencies to more than 150 students from different institutions and training centres

Mar 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This is specialised training and professional practice in out-of-hospital emergencies.

SAMU061 provides training in out-of-hospital emergencies to more than 150 students from different institutions, training centres and universities. These training courses and internships have been made possible thanks to the signing of some fifteen collaboration agreements with different entities.

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This training consists mainly of the approach to critical patients and health emergencies. It ranges from a care approach for vocational training technicians to specialisation in techniques and procedures aimed at university students.

A total of 54 students have been trained in the training specialities of health emergency technician and medical transport technician through professional internships. Agreements have been signed with schools, academies, the Red Cross and the administration itself. In the case of students from IES Josep Maria Llompart, for example, 14 students receive theoretical and practical training in the SAMU061 facilities and simulators.

Ninety-six students from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) nursing and medical degree courses are also trained under an agreement on research and teaching in health science-related subjects.

SAMU061 also collaborates with the fire brigade of the Consell de Mallorca, the Centre for Innovation and Development of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the Balearic Islands and the Balearic Association of Midwives.