The Consell de Mallorca increases the budget of the Natural Park of sa Dragonera by 10%

Mar 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The 2024 Annual Execution Programme includes the creation of an inventory of caves in habitat conservation

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Increases the budget of the Natural Park of sa Dragonera by 10%

The Consell de Mallorca has increased by 10.3 % of the budget allocated to the Natural Park of sa Dragonera for this year 2024 2023, allocating 828,475 euros for this year compared to 750,869 last year.

The Park’s management authority, made up of the Consell de Mallorca’s Department of the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports and the Balearic Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment, met to take stock of the activities carried out during 2023 and to approve the Annual Execution Programme for the sa Dragonera Natural Park (made up of the island of sa Dragonera and the islets of es Pantaleu and sa Mitjana).

In total, the park’s programme for 2024 has an overall budget of 1,128,628 euros, including the Regional Ministry’s allocation, with a real contribution of 300,207 euros. Among the most important new features of the implementation programme is the drawing up of an inventory of caves in habitat conservation.

The vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, stressed that the planning for 2024 responds to “a clear commitment to preserving the sustainability of the natural park, promoting conservation and protection projects for this protected natural area”.

Bestard also highlighted other actions to be carried out this year, such as “repairs to different park facilities”, and the carrying out of “a study for the canalisation of the des Moro cave to optimise water resources”, as well as the importance of “continuing to make progress in research studies on species such as the sea hawk and the Balearic shearwater, among others”.

Other priorities of the annual programme

In addition, the conservation of flora and fauna will continue, and there are also plans to hold an ecological agriculture advisory session for the IBANAT brigade and the recovery of the planting area.

The Annual Execution Programme of the Natural Park of sa Dragonera also includes the archaeological prospections in the cave des Moro, since, according to the archaeologists, it may have a relevant value for archaeology.

In the area of research and monitoring of different species of interest, we will continue to monitor the cormorants (corbs marins), the Balearic shearwater (virot) and the seagull in es Pantaleu and sa Dragonera, and the studies on the lizard that are also being carried out in sa Dragonera. In the area of participation, we will continue with the European project PRO.GRE.S.S. and with the voluntary work with different associations and the collaboration with the local network of children and youth.