Educació encourages the school enrolment process to be carried out entirely online in all educational cycles

Apr 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

For the first time, a weekly list will be published with all vacancies for 0-3 in all municipalities of the Balearic Islands.

Educació encourages the school enrolment process to be carried out entirely online

For the next school year, there will be 3 school zones in Palma, instead of the 8 existing now

The Department of Education and Universities has published today in the Official Bulletin of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) the resolutions regarding the processes of assignment, admission and enrolment in all stages of education in which the processing of all educational cycles, including processes outside the deadline, is promoted in a completely telematic way.

For the first time, the Directorate General for Educational Planning and Management will be in charge of the enrolment process for the first cycle of infant education (0-3 years), which until now depended on the Institute for Early Childhood Education (IEPI). A new feature is the creation of a list of vacant places that will be updated every week throughout the school year so that families can find out what places are available in their municipalities.

In the same way, as for the other educational cycles, the enrolment process for the first cycle of nursery school (0 to 3 years) can be carried out telematically and the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats will offer technical support to both families and schools. Families who wish to do so may also make complaints about the provisional lists online.

The admission process for 0 to 3-year-olds will be open from 22 April to 3 May and, as required, the child must have been born at the time the application for admission is formalised and must be at least 16 weeks old at the time of joining the school.

As for the enrolment process, it is aimed at pupils in 6th Infant, 6th Primary and 4th ESO who have to continue their studies in other schools, given that their school does not offer the subsequent stage. This process will take place between the 22nd and 24th of April, while the admission process for the rest of the cycles will begin on the 20th of May and will run until the 28th of May.

As for the expected enrolment of pupils joining the education system at the age of 3 (4th year of infant education), the Regional Ministry is working with the figures for births in 2021 which are recorded in the census and which are approximately 9,900 children. According to data from recent years, 90% of 3-year-olds will be enrolled this year.

As the main new feature this year, the Department of Education and Universities is committed to reducing the number of school zones in Palma from the current eight to three.

The map can be consulted in the attached document.


The school enrolment process will begin on 22nd April with the registration of pupils in the 6th year of infant school, 6th year of primary school and 4th year of ESO, as well as admission for the first cycle of nursery education.

As for the admission process for nursery, primary, special education and ESO, the procedures will begin on 20 May, while for Baccalaureate students it will begin on 20 June.

The dates for all processes can be consulted in the attached document.

New registrations:


CEIP Sant Domingo de Es Llombards to CEIP Blai Bonet de Santanyí.
CC Beata Francinaina Cirer from Inca to CC Sant Vicenç de Paül from Inca.
(It also has multiple assignments in the IES Inca and IES Berenguer d’Anoia)

CEIP La Soledat de Palma to IES Josep Sureda i Blanes or IES Antoni Maura.
(It is also attached to CEIPIESO Aurora Picornell).

CC Nostra Senyora de Consolació de Alaró to CC Santa Mònica
CC l’Assumpció de Binissalem to CC Beato Ramon Llull (Inca) or to IES Binissalem
Jesús Maria Secondary School in Palma to Sant Josep Obrer I Secondary School in Palma

CC La Porciúncula at CC Sant Pere or CC Santa Mònica de Palma
CC Santíssima Trinnitat to CC Santa Magdalena Sofia in Palma


CEIP Ses Planes de Sant Josep de sa Talaia to IES Sant Agustí.


For the next academic year 2024-2025, the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats is launching two new CEIPIESO to respond to the existing schooling problems.

One of the cases is in Sa Pobla, where the CEIP Son Basca will host the ESO studies from the next school year. The other centre that will also host compulsory secondary education studies is CEIP Ponent in Inca, which will become a CEIPIESO.