The director of IBDONA announces the convening of the Equality Commission to evaluate and study new measures against group sexual aggression

Apr 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Director of the Institut Balear de la Dona (IBDONA), Catalina Salom, has expressed her concern over the increase in gang rapes and the need to reinforce preventive and awareness-raising actions on this issue. For this reason, Salom announced that the Equality Commission will be convened on 8 May to evaluate the measures adopted since the last meeting and to propose new ones.

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The director of IBDONA announces the convening of the Equality Commission

“The data are chilling, according to the latest data published by the Ministry, gang rapes increased throughout the State by 15% in 2022,” said Salom, “and given the latest information of the gang assault this past weekend that is under investigation, from IBDONA we can not stand with our arms crossed”.

Since the last meeting of the Equality Commission, Salom explained that several measures have been put in place aimed at, on the one hand, preventing and avoiding these behaviours and, on the other, strengthening attention to victims. Among these measures, she highlighted IBDONA’s participation in the Quality Nightlife Platform and in the Civic Tourism Commission, as well as the hiring of 4 more people for the 24-hour telephone and accompaniment service. In addition, she announced that specific training on sexual violence will soon begin for both the hotel and nightlife sectors, which will be added to the existing basic training in different areas such as health, education, social services and law.

Along these lines, the Director of IBDONA recalled that the Equality Commission is the body responsible for coordinating the policies and programmes carried out by the regional, island and local administrations in the area of equality between women and men (article 20 of Law 11/2016). The Commission has a cross-cutting nature and is attached to IBDONA.