The Health Service will re-tender the works of the refurbishment project of the Virgen del Toro Hospital after the construction company’s request to terminate the contract

Apr 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Health Service of the Balearic Islands will re-tender the construction work on the Virgen del Toro Intermediate Care Hospital that is still pending after the company awarded the work has requested that the contract be terminated given the modifications to the project that will have to be made.

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The Health Service will re-tender the works of the refurbishment project of the Virgen del Toro Hospital

This was announced by the director general of the Health Service, Javier Ureña, during a visit he made to the future Virgen del Toro hospital for chronic patients, along with the architect in charge of the project, Jordi Gordillo (Casa Solo), who was in charge of the modifications to the project; the manager of the Menorca Health Area, Bernardo Pax, and the deputy director of Infrastructures, Francisco Bosch.

The architect of the Casa Solo studio, Jordi Gordillo, explained that once the refurbishment work on the interior of the building had begun, the technicians detected serious construction deficiencies in the floor slabs that made it necessary to draw up a modification project to correct them. Given this modification of the project, which is more than 42 %, the current construction company has requested that the contract be terminated on 1 June.

The Health Service will tender the works still pending, which will include the modifications to the project to correct the structural deficiencies, as well as the revision of the construction prices that is being carried out by the project management to adapt them to 2024 because the prices contemplated in the initial project were for 2019. The estimated cost of the tender will be approximately 25 million euros. The Health Service expects the works to be completed in 2026.

The interior refurbishment of the Virgen del Toro Hospital contemplates a built-up area of 9,207 m2, that is 60 rooms that will house between 60 and 90 beds. There will be an inpatient area with four units (one per floor), an outpatient area – with a day hospital, outpatient consultations and a cognitive stimulation unit – and a clinical support area.

It will also have a space for radiological tests (conventional and clinical ultrasound), for the pharmacy (dispensing and prescription support) and the laboratory (extraction), as well as other areas for patient management (lobby, admission, archive and mortuary), a social area (dining rooms, changing rooms, multi-confessional room) and a logistics and general services area (administration, supply and storage, kitchen, linen and laundry, waste, maintenance, etc.).

The project incorporates the portfolio of services planned to cover an urgent healthcare need in Menorca, to provide comprehensive and quality care to patients with chronic diseases, in areas of long and medium stay hospitalisation, day hospital, rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation spaces, outpatient consultations; and also radiology services, pharmacy, laboratory and social services, among others.

The refurbishment of the Virgen del Toro Hospital is included in the 2024-2027 Infrastructure Plan, in which the Health Service will invest 434 million euros. Specifically, in the Menorca Health Area, the Infrastructure Plan includes an investment of 43,501,265 euros to improve, modernise and adapt the health centres of the Balearic Islands to the needs of users and health professionals and to improve accessibility and equity.