The Project for the development of the Pharmaceutical Care Service for the monitoring of chronic and polymedicated patients has been launched

Apr 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The working group is made up of representatives from COMIB, COFIB, IbSalut and the Directorate General of Benefits, Pharmacy and Consumption.

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The Pharmaceutical Care Service for the monitoring of chronic and polymedicated patients has been launched

A consensus document is being drawn up to establish the working protocol.

The director general of Benefits, Pharmacy and Consumer Affairs, Joan Simonet, held a meeting of the Project for the development of the Pharmaceutical Care Service for the monitoring of chronic and polymedicated patients, attended by representatives of the Official College of Doctors of the Balearic Islands, the Official College of Nurses of the Balearic Islands, the Official College of Pharmacists of the Balearic Islands and IbSalut.

At the meeting, a working group was set up to evaluate patient care in a cross-cutting and coordinated way and to find synergies between the different parties responsible for patient health. Work is currently underway on a consensus document, which will establish the protocol to be followed in order to offer more coordinated care and better diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients’ health.

It is planned that, once the document and protocol have been approved, a pilot plan will be launched, which will come into force in 2025.

A new meeting of the members of the working group will be held at the end of April.