President Galmés presents the Consell de Mallorca Presidency Trot Award

Apr 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Hereu de Ladil, with the driver Jaume Fluxà, has been the winner of this 32nd edition of the prize celebrated in Son Pardo.

The Consell de Mallorca Presidency Trot Award

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, presented the 32nd Consell de Mallorca Presidency Prize to Jaume Fluxà, driver of Hereu de Ladil, winner of the race of this equestrian day at the Son Pardo racecourse, worth 9,000 euros. He did so with a time of 1’13”3. Second place went to Guacamole, with Joan Bauzà, who ran at 1’13”4, and third place went to Jaragadi CL, with Antoni Valls, with 1’13”5. The president of the Consell de Mallorca was accompanied by the president of the Institut de l’Esport Hípic de Mallorca, Gaspar Oliver, and the president of the Federación Balear de Trote, Joan Llabata. At the start of the race, a minute’s silence was observed in memory of Martí Fluxà, who was president of the Societat Esportiva de Trot.

President Galmés, during the presentation of the trophy, congratulated the menador Jaume Fluxà and said that “in this mandate the splendour of trotting, which had been lost in recent years, will be recovered”. Galmés also stressed that the 18% increase in the budget of the Mallorca Equestrian Institute and the 21% increase in the contribution to the Balearic Trotting Federation this year “represents the firm commitment of the island’s institution to carry out activities to promote the world of trotting in Mallorca, a discipline with deep roots on the island, which also represents a tourist attraction and an impact on the economy”.