Workshops on aromatic herbs in Raixa to celebrate the 5th European Day for Historic Gardens

Apr 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The public estate will host a programme of activities under the slogan “Aromas of gardens that last over time”.

The Raixa public estate will join in the celebration of the 5th European Day of Historic Gardens on 26th April, with a programme of activities aimed at raising public awareness of the natural and heritage values represented by these unique spaces.

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Workshops on aromatic herbs in Raixa

For this reason, the Consell de Mallorca has scheduled a series of free workshops under the slogan “Aromas of the Gardens that endure over time”, which will be held in the Raixa gardens and whose main theme is the use of aromatic herbs.

The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, highlighted the “cultural and representative value of Mallorca in the Raixa gardens”, while insisting on the need to “raise awareness of the importance of preserving them”.

The activities will consist of a series of workshops that will form part of the activities of the Council of Europe’s European Route of Historic Gardens, of which 44 selected gardens from all over Europe form part.

Workshops and activities

On Friday 19th April there will be a herbal liqueur workshop for those over 18s. This activity will allow participants to make their own traditional Mallorcan herbal liqueur.

On the 20th of April, there will be a bubble bomb workshop for over 6 year olds. Each participant will be able to design their personalised bath bubble, with unique colours, aromas and shapes.

Finally, on 20 April and 4 May, two natural cosmetics workshops will be held to allow participants to create their face cream based on aromatic plants.

This celebration is promoted by the European Itinerary of Historic Gardens, a non-profit association made up of historic gardens and institutions that promote a high-quality cultural and tourist offer.

The Raixa Gardens have been certified as a European Itinerary by the Council of Europe since October 2021 for their high historical, artistic and social value.