Primary schools have 30 days to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language

Apr 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Resolution for publicly funded schools will be published tomorrow in the BOIB (Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands) and will open the period for adherence as of Monday

The Voluntary Pilot Plan will begin to be applied in primary schools that request it next school year.

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities publishes the Resolution of the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language in tomorrow’s Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB). With this publication, a period of 30 calendar days begins on Monday, during which primary schools that wish to join the Plan may do so.

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Primary schools have 30 days to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language

As reported by councillor Antoni Vera at the various roundtables, the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language will begin to be applied in primary schools that request it during the next school year, while in secondary schools that request it, it will begin to be applied in the 2025-2026 school year. The Plan will be implemented during three school years and once the temporary application period is over, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities will evaluate the results.

The aim of the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language is to guarantee full and equivalent communicative competence in the two official languages, to reinforce school autonomy, to provide schools with additional means to acquire communicative competence in Catalan and Spanish, to apply evaluation and improvement instruments specific to the education system and to achieve educational success and equity, and equal opportunities, so that all pupils reach their optimum level of learning.

Schools wishing to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language must comply with the suitability of their facilities, must adopt organisational and methodological measures and must guarantee a minimum of 20 % of the pupils enrolled in each group at each level and stage who wish to participate.

In addition, primary schools that adhere to the Plan must always guarantee a minimum of 50% of teaching hours in Catalan to comply with the Decree on Minimum Standards and offer the possibility of teaching mathematics and knowledge of the environment in Catalan or Spanish. Finally, public primary schools will have to have the approval of the teaching staff to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language, while in state-subsidised schools it will be up to the head of the school to decide.