The Assembly of Mayors reaffirms the change of date of the Diada de Mallorca to 12th September

Apr 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It has ratified by majority the agreement of the plenary session of the Consell de Mallorca of the 14th of March that re-establishes this date.

The Consell de Mallorca held the Assembly of Mayors of Mallorca this Friday in Lloseta, which ratified by majority the agreement that re-establishes the 12th of September as the official date of the Diada de Mallorca, due to the vote against the proposal of the municipality of Manacor, which asked to declare the 31st of December as the commemorative date.

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The change of date of the Diada de Mallorca to 12th September

The Assembly of Mayors and Mayoralties of Mallorca rejected the petition proposed by the municipality of Manacor, which called for the re-declaration of 31st December as a commemorative date, with 26 votes against, 23 in favour and two abstentions. Thus, the majority of mayors of the municipalities of Mallorca have shown their agreement with the definitive approval of the 12th of September, which took place in the plenary session of the Consell de Mallorca on the 14th of March.

The Councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, celebrated that “the result demonstrates the return to the consensus that existed in 1997, which established the Diada de Mallorca on 12 September”. Fuster explained that “it is a sign that the town councils of Mallorca endorse the change of date” and recalled that “the island institution has carried out historic legal and participatory procedures to reach the greatest possible agreement”.

Participatory process
The Consell de Mallorca has carried out three participatory processes, opening the decision to the opinion of all the municipalities, historians and citizens. The president, Llorenç Galmés, sent a letter to the 53 mayors and received a response from 30, of which 28 were in agreement with the change, one was against, and another needed more information. Also, reports were drawn up by expert historians and members of the Royal Mallorcan Academy of Historical, Genealogical and Heraldic Studies, who established that the most appropriate day for the celebration is the 12th of September.

In the same way, a procedure for citizen participation was opened, allowing anyone to register their allegations. Two allegations were registered: one from the PSOE and the other from the OCB, both of which have been rejected by the island’s legal experts in the established manner.