Government delegations to have purple dots

Apr 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo; the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Carmen Martínez, and the Secretary-General for Territorial Coordination, Miryam Álvarez, have met with the Coordination Units against Violence against Women and Violence against Women Units of the Government delegations and sub-delegations and island directorates.

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Purple dots

The meeting, which took place in Valladolid, aims to improve coordination and collaboration between administrations to make a good diagnosis of the current situation and implement new measures or maximise the effectiveness of existing ones.

At the meeting, it was announced to the units that violet points would be set up in all government delegations and sub-delegations. In this way, it will be promoted that the rest of the bodies of the General State Administration at a territorial level will in turn have these points as a general rule.

The meeting also analysed the situation of these units, which have increased their functions in recent years and require an increase in staff and administrative support. In this regard, the Minister for Equality announced that a report has been drawn up in conjunction with Territorial Policy to reinforce the resources and personnel of these units. Ana Redondo assured that a specific axis for Human Resources will be included in the new edition of the State Pact against Gender Violence and that the transfer of one million euros from the Government Delegation against Gender Violence to Territorial Policy for the development of actions will continue.

The Government’s commitment also includes, according to Redondo, the work already being carried out in Congress to reissue the State Pact against Gender Violence, the country’s agreement to combat hate speech and to protect minors from pornography. In addition, the a need to continue raising awareness in society, to intensify the networked collaboration of all public administrations to implement policies and correct dysfunctionalities and to continue deepening the analysis of vicarious violence to improve prevention.

Coordination Units against Violence Against Women
The Coordination Units against Violence Against Women and the Violence Against Women Units are integrated in the Government Delegations and Subdelegations and the Island Directorates. There are currently 19 Coordination Units, one in each Autonomous Community and two in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla; and 46 Violence Against Women Units in the provinces and islands. Functionally, they depend on the Ministry of Equality and are coordinated through the Government Delegation against Gender Violence. Their functions include the monitoring and coordination of resources and services for victims of all types of violence, collaboration with regional and local administrations, personalised monitoring of each case and actions with fatal and seriously injured victims, as well as their children, among others.