The Government launches a line of aid to promote equality plans in companies and entities

Apr 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The subsidies, with a budget of 1,000,000 euros, are aimed at implementing measures for equal opportunities between women and men in companies, and to promote and encourage actions throughout the business fabric of the Balearic Islands.

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Aid to promote equality plans in companies and entities

Companies and organisations with a workforce of less than 50 employees will be eligible for aid

The Department of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, through the Directorate General of Labour and Occupational Health, has launched a call for grants to implement equality plans in companies and organisations, and to promote and encourage equality actions and advice for the implementation of these measures. This initiative has a budget of 1,000,000 euros.

The total amount budgeted will be distributed in three programmes: programme 1 has an allocation of 350,000 euros and aims to promote the voluntary implementation of equality plans in companies or any other entity with a staff of less than 50 workers. Programme 2 has a budget of 350,000 euros and is aimed at facilitating the implementation or renewal of these plans in companies and organisations obliged to draw them up and register them.

Finally, programme 3, financed with 300,000 euros, is aimed at supporting equality actions, promotion and advice for the implementation of equality plans by business and trade union organisations in the Balearic Islands.

In this regard, the councillor for Enterprise, Employment and Energy, Alejandro Saénz de San Pedro, explained that ‘with the implementation of these three lines of subsidies, we are giving a boost and helping companies and organisations to draw up their equality plans’.

The Director General of Labour and Occupational Health, Catalina Cabrer, stressed that ‘we are taking another step towards achieving equal treatment and opportunities for men and women and eliminating gender discrimination in companies on the Islands. With this aid, we are promoting the implementation of equality plans throughout the business fabric of the Balearic Islands. In addition, for the first time, companies or organisations with fewer than 50 employees can benefit from these subsidies, which can implement equality plans on a voluntary basis’.

The call for applications is open to companies or organisations with registered offices or workplaces in the Balearic Islands. For programmes 1 and 2, the total workforce of the company will be taken into account, regardless of the number of work centres and regardless of the type of employment contract, including people on permanent contracts.