The Govern pays 95.9 million euros to comply with the Muleta II ruling

Apr 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Govern approves and authorises the non-budgetary payment of almost 100 million euros before the deadline given by the Supreme Court.

It has also approved the allocation of 11 million euros from the Contingency Fund for ABAQUA to meet the obligations imposed by an interlocutory ruling and to pay the electricity supply bill.

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Muleta II ruling

The Consell de Govern has today approved and authorised the non-budgetary payment of 95,858,580.17 euros in favour of Birdie Son Vida, SL to comply with the final interlocutory ruling of 31 January 2022, issued by the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands and confirmed by judgment 319/2024, of 27 February, of the Supreme Court, which dismissed the appeal lodged by the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.

By the aforementioned final court decision and the legal report dated 23 April 2024, the deadline for payment is 3 June 2024. We have now made an extra-budgetary payment and we will soon process the law of extraordinary credit to make the effective allocation to the budgets of the Autonomous Community of 2024,’ explained the Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation, Antoni Costa, who acknowledged that this payment is “a hard blow”, but insisted that it will not involve any cuts: “It will not compromise the budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands”, said the Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation, Antoni Costa, who acknowledged that this payment is “a hard blow”, but insisted that it will not involve any cuts: “It will not compromise the budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands”.

The Administrative Litigation Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands heard Ordinary Proceedings 440/2010, followed at the request of the legal representation of the commercial entity Birdie Son Vida, SL, given the presumed rejection by the Government of the Balearic Islands of a claim for patrimonial responsibility, derived from the alteration of the classification of the Muleta II urbanisation in Sóller, as a consequence of the approval of Law 4/2008, of 14th May, on urgent measures for sustainable territorial development in the Balearic Islands.

On the other hand, the Consell de Govern has approved the financing of a credit extension requested by the Conselleria del Mar i del Cicle de l’Aigua with the application of the contingency fund for the Balearic Water and Environmental Quality Agency (ABAQUA) to pay a debt of €10,959,677.00 contracted with the company Gas Natural Comercializadora, SA, for the electricity supply bill. In this way, the obligations imposed by the interlocutory injunction issued by the Administrative Court No. 1 of Palma on 12 February 2024 can be met.