Industry and Tourism certifies 1,000 startups in less than a year

Apr 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This is a milestone in the history of entrepreneurship that improves the legal security offered to innovative companies. The certification process, a pioneer in Europe, is simple, fast and free of charge.

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1,000 startups in less than a year

Illustration on entrepreneurship in the framework of the Startups ActIllustration on entrepreneurship in the framework of the Startups Act.

The Ministry of Industry and Tourism, through the public company ENISA, has certified 1,000 startups in less than a year. This is a milestone in the history of entrepreneurship that improves the legal security offered to the sector of emerging companies in our country and the possibility for them to benefit, among other advantages, from the tax benefits provided for in the Startups Act.

For Borja Cabezón, CEO of the National Innovation Company (ENISA), ‘having reached this figure is a great success, not only for our organisation but also for the image of Spain as a place where entrepreneurship now has a specific x-ray that has been demanded for years’, said Cabezón, for whom this milestone ‘is undoubtedly the reflection of collective success. A country that has a public company capable of carrying out the task of certifying Spanish start-ups and generating a distinctive seal of quality, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Cabezón also stressed that, in addition to the tax benefits of being certified as an emerging company, today’s announcement means that these 1,000 companies have been the first to participate in a pioneering process throughout Europe.

Simple and free-of-charge process
Start-up certification is a simple, fast and free process for entrepreneurs. ‘It takes no more than a month to achieve. We are certain that these thousand certified start-ups will be the mirror through which other start-ups will want to look at themselves and continue to reinforce a national panorama that is characterised by innovation. We are a nation that has nothing to envy to the entrepreneurship of the countries around us”, said Cabezón.

To check immediately the evolution of certified companies, ENISA has a search engine on its website where you can consult different data such as their status, autonomous community or the date of certification.

Finally, it should be noted that the milestone of 1,000 certified companies has been achieved in less than a year since the publication of Order PCM/825/2023, of 20 July, which regulates the criteria and procedure for the certification of start-ups that give access to the benefits and specialities recognised in Law 28/2022, of 21 December, on the Promotion of the start-up ecosystem.

ENISA is a public company attached to the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, through the Directorate General for Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium Enterprises, which since 1982 has been actively involved in the financing of viable and innovative projects, driven by entrepreneurs and SMEs. Enisa has granted more than 8,905 loans to 7,757 companies, for a total amount of more than 1,371 million euros invested.