The Health Service and the UIB sign two collaboration agreements to train 851 students in internships

Apr 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The external academic internship agreements include eleven undergraduate and seven postgraduate degrees.

The Health Service has signed a collaboration agreement with the University of the Balearic Islands to train a total of 851 students through curricular external academic internships for eleven bachelor’s and seven master’s degrees.

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The Health Service and the UIB sign two collaboration agreements

The agreements were signed by the director general of the Health Service, Javier Ureña, and the vice-rector for Students at the University of the Balearic Islands, Carmen Touza, and the vice-rector for Management and Postgraduate Policy, Maurici Mus Amézquita, to establish collaborative relations between the two institutions.

The collaboration agreement between the Balearic Islands Health Service and the UIB, in terms of undergraduate studies, establishes the following maximum number of training places:

490 Nursing students
240 students in Medicine
54 Physiotherapy students
10 students of Biology
10 students in Chemistry
10 students of Physics
10 students of Biochemistry
6 students of Business and Administration
6 students of Economics
5 students of Geography
10 students in Law
About the university master’s degrees, the following maximum number of students is established:

7 students on the Master’s Degree in Advanced Microbiology
4 students on the Master’s Degree in Applied Biotechnology
2 students on the Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Human Nutrition
5 students on the master’s degree in Occupational Health
5 students on the master’s degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
3 students on the master’s degree in Chemical Sciences and Technology
10 students on a master’s degree in Social Work in the Health Care Sphere