The elderly get active with the Consell’s ‘imserso’ sports programme

Apr 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

600 people will be able to enjoy the Sports Stays with overnight stay this 2024

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The elderly get active

The Consell de Mallorca will reach 600 people with a new sports stay for the elderly in 2024. A commitment to an active and healthy life that the institution offers in its programmes with the aim of reaching the adult age group. Today, 180 seniors are enjoying activities such as hiking and Nordic walking, training and stretching, partner and line dancing, relaxation and yoga in Cala Rajada, in Capdepera, in two days of intense activity, adapted to the age of the group.

The sports programme has been launched at the Green Garden Aparthotel, where the President of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, and the Councillor for Sports, Pedro Bestard, have been able to learn about its development. The visit included a meeting with the councillors for the elderly of the town councils, who held a technical meeting to assess the functioning of the programme so far, as well as to make their contributions to the activities that the institution has been carrying out since 2023 in the towns, such as the ‘Sortides actives’ and the successful ‘Mou-te amb salut!

Galmés said that with this activity ‘we are providing an outlet for the high demand for activities by the elderly, who are increasingly active and more numerous’. A path that the Consell de Mallorca begins with exercise at school age, passing through federated sport, family sport and now extends to the elderly. ‘The Consell knows that the Mallorcan population is growing and, for this reason, we want to make this programme regular and increasingly extensive,’ said Bestard.

A new programme adjusted to demand

The Mallorcan population is growing and becoming more and more active. In this sense, the Consell Sports Council is investing 500,000 euros in the 2023/24 season to reach out to the elderly with proposals. The ‘Sortides actives’ and ‘Activitats al medi’, aimed at second and third age groups (from 40 to 60 years old, and 60 and over), are group exercise packages, where sport, culture and nature go hand in hand, encouraging exercise through cultural walks, hiking, Nordic walking or water sports.

The ‘Mou-te amb salut!’ programme has also been consolidated: regular weekly sports sessions in the villages, in which 1,800 people are taking part this season, in 90 groups, 34% more than in 2022-2023.