The Consell de Mallorca is closer to getting ownership of the castle of Alaró

May 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Culture has expressed its willingness to open new ways for the transfer, in the meeting held today in Madrid, and will send a technical commission to see the state of the BIC and unblock the situation.

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Castle of Alaró

The Consell de Mallorca is closer to obtaining ownership of the castle of Alaró after today’s meeting with the Ministry of Culture. The councillor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, met today in Madrid with the director general of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts, Isaac Sastre, and his team. Rubio was accompanied by the island’s director of Territory, Jaume Fanals, and the mayor of Alaró, Llorenç Perelló. The Ministry has shown its complete willingness to open all possible avenues for the transfer of the property of cultural interest (BIC) to the island institution and to unblock the castle’s registry situation.

The Ministry of Culture has promised to send a technical commission to Alaró to check the state of the BIC and, at the same time, to establish ways of unblocking the transfer to the Consell de Mallorca. Fernando Rubio has proposed to the Director General of Cultural Heritage that the State should cede the title deeds to the castle that it has in its possession, and that the Consell would be responsible for defining the limits of the property. This option has been welcomed by the Ministry.

Fernando Rubio highlighted “the willingness and harmony of the meeting with the Ministry of Culture, which will allow us to move forward in our goal that the castle of Alaró belongs to all Mallorcans”. Rubio also added that “we consider the visit of this technical committee from the Ministry of Culture to be very good news, as the castle is in urgent need of action to prevent degradation, especially of the walls”.