The Balearic Islands increased Social Security enrolment by 3.1% in April to 17,035 people and continues to lead in job creation and unemployment reduction

May 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Social Security enrolment in the Balearic Islands increased by 55,155 compared with the previous month, i.e. a month-on-month rise of 10.7%.

The autonomous community experienced significant decreases in unemployment both year-on-year (-9.0 %) and month-on-month (-4.8 %).

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The Balearic Islands increased Social Security enrolment by 3.1% in April to 17,035 people

The Balearic Islands once again led the way in job creation in April, being among the Autonomous Communities that created the most jobs that month, both in year-on-year and month-on-month terms. Thus, 569,326 new registrations were recorded in April, which implies an increase of 17,035 with respect to April 2023, 3.1% more. The State as a whole shows an average annual increase of 2.4%.

A comparison of the April data with those of the previous month shows an increase of 55,155 new registrations in the Balearic Islands, i.e. a month-on-month rise of 10.7%. The Balearic Islands is the Autonomous Community leading the month-on-month increase in employment. In Spain as a whole, enrolment has increased by 1.0 % compared to the previous month.

The Councillor for Enterprise, Employment and Energy, Alejandro Sáenz de San Pedro, recalled that the Balearic Islands lead the employment and job creation rate, according to figures from the first quarter of 2024. In this regard, he explained that “improving people’s employability at a time when the labour market is more complex and when better-trained workers are in demand is one of the main challenges, as well as improving health and safety, occupational prevention and family reconciliation on the road to quality employment”.

In this sense, the Director General of Labour and Occupational Health, Catalina Cabrer, stressed that “we must focus on training in order to find trained professionals and thus be able to meet an increasingly present need, which is the retirement of older workers who must be replaced by younger, well-trained people”. He added: “Employment must be of quality, and for this to happen, the health and safety of workers is important. The Balearic Islands have negative accident rates, being one of the communities with the highest figures. There is a lot of work to be done in terms of workloads in the hotel and catering industry, as well as in other important sectors such as construction and industry”.

On the rate of employment and job creation, Cabrer stressed that “the situation of the labour market in the tourism sector is favourable”. For this reason, he said that, precisely this year, the winter months, which are considered to be low-activity months in this sector, have been reduced mainly due to the rapid opening of establishments as a result of the celebration of the Easter holidays, which this year took place in March. “All this is reflected in the good unemployment figures and shows a new panorama in which seasonality practically disappears. This does not mean that it is not necessary to take care of other sectors, where special emphasis must be placed. In general, there are still important requirements in all of them because the situation of the labour market is not only about employment figures, but it is also important to ensure that the employment is of good quality”, she insisted.

Finally, the Director General indicated that “the good employment figures for the Balearic Islands should not lead us to deceive ourselves. We must continue to work tirelessly on vocational training, on the health and safety of workers, we must take new steps to improve the work-life balance and fight against the wage gap and inequalities between men and women,” concluded Cabrer.


About unemployment, the Balearic Islands showed the sharpest decreases in national terms, both year-on-year and month-on-month. Thus, the number of people in this situation during April was 28,225, a figure that shows a decrease of 2,786 people, i.e. -9.0% less than in April 2023. In this category, unemployment fell above all in Ibiza (-9.5 %), followed by Mallorca (-9 %), Menorca (-8.2 %) and Formentera (-2.0 %). In Spain as a whole, the unemployment rate also fell, with an average of -4.4 %.

From a month-on-month perspective, unemployment fell to March by 1,437 persons, -4.8 % in relative terms. This decrease is found on all the islands, especially Ibiza (-10.3 %), followed by Menorca (-7.5 %), Mallorca (-4.1 %) and Formentera (-2.0 %). In the country as a whole, the data show a fall in unemployment compared to March of 2.2 %.

By group, year-on-year unemployment fell among women (-11.2 %), the over-25s (-9.7 %) and Spaniards (-9.3 %). Compared to the previous month, unemployment is down among women (5.1 %), under 25s (-14.7 %) and non-EU foreigners (-7.6 %).

The administrative unemployment rate in April was 4.7%, 0.6 points lower than a year earlier.


In April 42,522 new contracts were registered in the Balearic Islands, 1,085 more if compared with the same month a year ago, which implies a rise of 2.6 %. From this perspective, hiring increased on all the islands, except in Formentera (-5.3 %) and increased above all in Ibiza (12.6 %), followed by Menorca (1.7 %) and Mallorca (0.4 %).

If we compare the hiring data with the previous month (March), we observe an increase of 12,898 contracts, 43.5 % more. This increase is most noticeable in Ibiza (105.9 %) and Formentera (+91.5 %), followed by Menorca (+68.4 %) and Mallorca (+30.5 %). By groups, hiring in this category increased most among women (46.8 %), those under 25 years of age (53.1 %) and among EU foreigners (53.5 %).


The self-employed regime in the Balearic Islands accounted for 1,019,392 people affiliated in April, a figure that represents 17.8% of total registered employment. The number of people who have chosen this type of affiliation increased by 2,456 since April 2023 (+2.5 %) and by 2,772 compared to March 2024 (+2.8 %).

Job seekers

The number of job seekers on the Islands in April was 64,949 people, which represents an increase of 475 applicants (+0.7%) compared to April 2023. The number of job seekers increased on all the islands, except Ibiza (1.9%) and especially Menorca (+4.3%), followed by Formentera (+3.2%) and Mallorca (+0.7%).

Concerning March, the number of job seekers on the islands fell by 25,129 people, -27.9 %. This fall is found on all the islands, especially Ibiza (-45.6 %), followed by Formentera (-36 %), Menorca (-32.6 %) and Mallorca (-23.2 %).