Europe Day is celebrated with fun and informative activities for the whole family

May 9, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

An institutional event will take place today at the Consolat de Mar with a performance by the Balearic Islands Music Conservatory Choir and the hoisting of the EU flag.

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Europe Day

The Government of the Balearic Islands, through Europe Direct Illes Balears, the Government’s information and advice point for citizens of the European Union, is celebrating Europe Day today with a series of activities scheduled until next Saturday in the Balearic Islands to fulfil one of its main objectives, which is to bring the role of the European Union closer to society and encourage participation, reflection and debate.

The Europe Day programme kicks off this Thursday in Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera with a range of activities for the whole family, from workshops and storytelling for the little ones in Palma and Sant Francesc Xavier, respectively, to a talk in Mahón on the relationship between pop music and Europe. Today’s agenda will come to a solemn close in the afternoon at the Consolat de Mar with an institutional act that will begin at 7 pm with a performance by the Choir of the Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands, which will sing the anthem of Europe, and the hoisting of the EU flag. The event will close with a speech by the President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Margalida Prohens.

Tomorrow, Friday, a storytelling activity is planned for Ibiza, merging, like the previous one, learning and entertainment to educate, raise awareness and promoting cultural diversity and European cooperation.

The Europe Day programme will close on Saturday with a storytelling workshop in Ciutadella in the morning and a citizen participation activity in Palma throughout the day. The latter activity will take place in two marquees set up in the Parc de ses Estacions with educational games, drawing workshops, European-themed word games and Lego construction games, an interactive flag map to explore the cultural and geographical diversity of the continent and an information point on the opportunities and programmes offered by the EU.

In parallel, Europe Direct Illes Balears has held a drawing competition under the title “Paint Europe” among sixth-grade pupils from schools in the Balearic Islands, inviting them to express their creativity and knowledge about Europe. The works will be used to illustrate the Europe Direct calendar for the year 2025.


9 May

  • Workshops and storytelling on Europe Day (Fusion of learning and entertainment to educate, raise awareness and promote cultural diversity and European cooperation, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Can Sales Library in Palma).
  • Give peace a chance: can pop music change the world?” (Talk for adults on music related to Europe by Pedro Sánchez Tuomala, at 7 p.m. at the Mahón Public Library).
  • Kalopsia, a planet not so different”. (Storytelling on peaceful coexistence and collaboration through tolerance, solidarity, union and diversity, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Marià Villangómez Library in Sant Francesc Xavier).
  • The institutional event at the Consolat de Mar (Performance by the Choir of the Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands, hoisting of the EU flag and speech by the President of the Government of the Balearic Islands. 19 h.).

10th May

  • Kalopsia, a planet not so different”. (Storytelling on peaceful coexistence and collaboration through tolerance, solidarity, union and diversity, from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm at the Ibiza Public Library).

11th May

  • Workshops and storytelling on Europe Day (Fusion of learning and entertainment to educate, raise awareness and promote cultural diversity and European cooperation, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Ciutadella Public Library).
  • Citizen participation activity. (With two educational and entertainment tents, with drawing workshops, word games on European themes and construction with Lego pieces, interactive map of flags and information points on the opportunities and programmes of the EU. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., in Palma’s Parc de ses Estacions).