The Consell de Mallorca will allocate 64,698 euros to projects for access to water and the elimination of political violence against women in Bolivia

May 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The councillor of Presidency and vice-president of the Fons Mallorquí, Antoni Fuster, participates in a conference in Bolivia to know first-hand the initiatives that are being carried out in the country.

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64,698 euros to projects for access to water and the elimination of political violence against women in Bolivia

The Consell de Mallorca will allocate 64,698 euros, through the Fons Mallorqui de Solidaritat i Cooperació, to two projects in Bolivia: one to guarantee access to water and the other to support the elimination of violence and political harassment against women in the country. The councillor of the Presidency and vice-president of the Fons Mallorquí, Antoni Fuster, is part of the Mallorcan delegation that has travelled to Bolivia to learn first-hand about the projects being carried out in the country’s vulnerable populations in which the island institution participates and contributes.

During the ten-day visit to Bolivia, the delegation visited rural communities where initiatives subsidised by the island institution are being carried out. Various meetings are also held with the entities and associations responsible for implementing them, including the NGO Mosoj Causay, the Association of Councilwomen of Bolivia (ACOBOL) and the Federation of Municipal Associations in Bolivia (FAM).

Fuster thanked “the invaluable work carried out by the Fons in the country and its commitment to the development and well-being of its population”. He also highlighted “the progress that has been made in the area of municipal cooperation, which has allowed us to strengthen the bonds of solidarity”. The Presidency Councillor explained that “it is important to know in situ how the projects carried out by the institution and in which the institution collaborates work”.

Specifically, in 2024, the Consell de Mallorca will contribute to guaranteeing the right to water for human consumption and sanitation in the Cochabamba area, as some populations do not have access to drinking water either in quantity or quality. In this way, the renovation of the water distribution systems can be achieved. In the same way, it participates financially in the ACOBOL project to establish a municipal space free of harassment and violence suffered by women in politics in rural areas, where access to justice is complicated. For this reason, the project offers legal advice and follow-up, as well as the implementation of workshops and municipal regulations to guarantee their rights.