A direct subsidy of €128,000 is approved for Plataforma del Voluntariat

May 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The grants are for the project “Training, information, advice and awareness-raising in the field of volunteering 2024-2025”.

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€128,000 is approved for Plataforma del Voluntariat

The amount will be distributed in 62.000 € for 2024 and 66.000 € for 2025, and 100% will be paid in advance.

The Consell de Govern has authorised the Conselleria de Familias y Asuntos Sociales to grant a direct subsidy of €128,000 to the Plataforma del Voluntariat de les Illes Balears (PLAVIB). This aid is to carry out the project “Training, information, advice and awareness-raising in the field of volunteering 2024-2025”.

This project envisages the development of actions to provide volunteer training in the Balearic Islands aimed at individuals but also at volunteer organisations or interested groups, offering a programme of information and advice on volunteering issues for organisations and interested individuals and a programme to raise awareness and promote volunteering aimed at the general population, with special attention to young people through educational centres.

According to the agreement, the amount of €128,000 will be distributed with €62,000 for 2024 and €66,000 for 2025, and 100% will be paid in advance.