The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs reiterates its commitment to the fight against LGTBI-phobia

May 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

May 17th commemorates the depathologisation of homosexuality by the WHO in 1990.

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs, through its Directorate General for Children, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity, wishes to reiterate its commitment to the fight against LGTBI-phobia and against any action that violates the rights of LGTBI people.

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Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs

On the occasion of the International Day against LGTBI-phobia, which is celebrated tomorrow, the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs reaffirms its commitment to the group, through aid to entities and the promotion of training and educational activities in various areas.

This year, moreover, the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs wishes to express its rejection of the burning of an LGTBI flag at the Muro Secondary School. ‘A society that calls itself tolerant and inclusive cannot allow any act of hatred, discrimination or stigma towards any other person, whatever their sexual orientation’, said the Director General for Children, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity, Farners Saneiro, who added that ‘this Government firmly believes in equality from all possible points of view, and we will continue to work to ensure that these actions are not repeated’.

17 May is the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (LGTBI-phobia), commemorating the date on which the World Health Organisation de-pathologised homosexuality in 1990.