Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment is looking for new ways of collaborating to facilitate the export of agri-food products to the United Kingdom.

Jun 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Director General of Agri-Food Quality and Local Produce, Joan Llabrés, met today in London with the commercial delegate of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise and member of the ICEX delegation, Rafael Ortega. The promotional event ‘A Taste of the Balearics’ will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 29th.

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New ways of collaborating to facilitate the export of agri-food products to the United Kingdom.

The Director General of Agri-Food Quality and Local Product, Joan Llabrés, met today with the trade delegate of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise and member of the ICEX delegation in London, Rafael Ortega, and Fernando Muñoz, director of Foods and Wines from Spain, to share with them some of the concerns that agri-food companies in the Balearic Islands have regarding exports to the United Kingdom, especially after Brexit.

In this regard, Llabrés pointed out that shipping costs, in some cases, have tripled and that delivery times exceed 48 hours. ‘The demand from the British consumer exists, but it is increasingly difficult to reach them’, in the words of the general manager. ‘Since the UK’s exit from the European Union, controls have become tighter and change every so often. Our agri-food industry, the majority of which is made up of small companies, does not have the capacity or the volume to meet all the costs, and they are opting to renounce a presence in a market that would be very important and where, moreover, our products are highly appreciated for their special characteristics and quality. It is a question of looking for new ways and boosting collaboration between all the agents involved to facilitate exports”, stresses Joan Llabrés. During the meeting, the Director General of Agri-food Quality and Local Produce explained, for example, the enormous differences in costs involved in sending a case of six bottles of wine from the islands to Germany – around 25 euros – compared to the United Kingdom – around 90 euros. In the case of sobrasada from Mallorca, the management costs would have increased tenfold, as well as making it difficult to issue health certificates ‘whose criteria are very frequently changed by the British authorities’.

In this regard, the director general also stressed the importance of establishing partnerships to promote quality agri-food products from the Balearic Islands in the United Kingdom, and their inclusion in activities and programmes carried out by ICEX, such as the Eat Spain drink Spain international promotion programme: ‘With this collaboration, we are looking for local distributors willing to import our products’.

One example of this is the activity that will take place tomorrow at the London restaurant Il Horto, where twenty Balearic agri-food companies will each have their own space to present their products directly to food and drink distributors in the United Kingdom, as well as to promote the islands’ quality foods to a specialised audience with the power to influence – gastronomic consultants, chefs, sommeliers, etc. – A taste of the Balearics’ will be attended by companies such as Camp Mallorquí, with almonds from the PGI Almedra de Mallorca and olives from the PGI Aceituna de Mallorca; Treurer, with oil from the DOP Aceite de Mallorca; Gusto Mundial Baleárides, which will show the qualities of Flor de Sal d’Es Trenc salt, and Subaida, which will explain the cheese from the DOP Queso Mahón-Menorca. The Binissalem PDO will be represented by the wineries José Luis Ferrer, Can Fumat and Vinyes i Vins Ca Sa Padrina, and the representatives of the Pla i Llevant PDO will be the wineries Pere Seda and Vins Miquel Gelabert. Eight wineries belonging to the IGP Vino de la Tierra Mallorca will also be in London: Can Vidalet, Son Prim, Mesquida Mora, Castell Miquel, 7103 Petit Celler, Conde de Suyrot, Mortitx and Macià Batle. Can Rich, from Ibiza, will bring wines from the IGP Vino de la Tierra Ibiza, oil from the IGP Aceite de Ibiza and herbs from the IGP Hierbas de Ibiza. Mima Terra will be present at the event with its infusions.

In addition, the chef Bel Llull, from Terragust, will be offering a show cooking session featuring recipes with food products from the islands.