Son Llàtzer Hospital modernises its computer system

Jun 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A contingency plan will be activated from 8 p.m. this Friday and over the next few days.

The Son Llàtzer University Hospital will activate the contingency plan to change its computer system this Friday, 31st May, at 8 p.m., in order to implement the SISN2+ programme, which will bring significant improvements in patient care.

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Son Llàtzer Hospital

This is a project promoted by the Health Service for all hospitals in the public network of the Balearic Islands, which will provide a more modern tool that will be constantly updated. This will make it possible to incorporate new functions and technologies in a continuous and agile manner. One of the most important benefits of the changeover to SISN2+ is the availability of a shared clinical history system with the other hospitals in the Balearic Islands. This will improve the exchange of information between them, making it more agile, efficient and secure

The system migration process will take place from 8 p.m. this Friday until 7 p.m. on Saturday. During this time and throughout the weekend, the Hospital Son Llàtzer will be working practically on paper. Although the healthcare teams will be reinforced during the implementation period in order to minimise the impact on care, this will have a significant impact on the Emergency Department, and care for minor cases may suffer significant delays.

In order to reduce as much as possible the influx of patients to the Emergency Department, the Hospital Universitario Son Llàtzer recommends that people with minor illnesses or conditions who need to go to the Emergency Department next weekend should go to the emergency services of the health centres in the Migjorn Health Sector.

The change of system is a complex technical process that will be carried out in phases and requires a period of adaptation on the part of all professionals. For this reason, it is foreseeable that over the next few weeks work will be a little slower and there may be delays in waiting times for diagnostic tests and consultations with specialists, as well as occasional technical incidents during visits.

The management of Son Llàtzer University Hospital is grateful for the understanding, patience and cooperation of users for the inconvenience that the change of computer system may entail, while at the same time thanking all staff for their efforts in the process of learning and adapting to a programme that will be a great improvement for users.

Son Llàtzer faces the change of system this coming weekend, in the fifth phase of implementation of SISN2+ in the Balearic Islands. Previously in 2022, it was implemented at the Hospital de Manacor and the intermediate care hospitals in Mallorca (Psychiatric Hospital, General Hospital and Hospital Joan March), followed by the Hospital Mateu Orfila and the Hospital Comarcal de Inca, and in 2023 by the Hospital Can Misses and the Hospital de Formentera.