The Decree-law of urgent measures of simplification and administrative rationalization includes important demands of the Consell de Mallorca

Jun 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The temporary dissuasive parking, the declarations of insular interest for public infrastructures or the possibility that private companies take charge of the service of ITV to reduce the waiting lists, among others, are requests of the insular institution.

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The Decree-law of urgent measures of simplification and administrative rationalization

The Consell de Mallorca, chaired by Llorenç Galmés, is pleased that the Decree Law on urgent measures to simplify and rationalise the administrative procedures of the public administrations of the Balearic Islands, approved by the Govern de les Illes Balears, includes a series of important demands made by the island’s institution to improve the quality of life of all Mallorcans.

This is the case of the possibility for local councils to build temporary car parks on rural land, to combat the increase in traffic around urban centres and encourage the use of public transport: ‘On an extraordinary and temporary basis – no more than 8 months – local councils may locate car parks on rural land to facilitate mobility during the periods of greatest influx of visitors’, states the Decree.

Similarly, another of the Consell de Mallorca’s requests was the declaration of insular interest to develop public infrastructures. With this declaration, which will be approved by the Council itself, the procedures will be streamlined and public facilities can be located wherever it is deemed necessary to provide a better service to citizens. This is the case of ITV stations, residences, social centres, or fire stations.

In terms of road construction, the Decree-Law approved by the Government provides for the urgent occupation of the property necessary to carry out the projects. This occupation can be declared by both the Consell and the local councils. This measure will simplify the long expropriation processes that in many cases mean a delay of 6 months to build a necessary road infrastructure.

The Decree-Law opens up the possibility for private companies to provide the ITV service in parallel to the current public service. It includes the three possibilities requested by the Consell de Mallorca, the institution that will regulate this activity. The three possibilities are a) direct management by the corresponding island council, under the forms of direct management provided for in the legislation on local government; b) through a mixed economy company, or c) by private companies, with their staff and under an administrative concession or authorisation, under the territorial distribution and in the form and conditions of service provision that each island council determines for this purpose.

Another of the demands of the Consell de Mallorca, requested for years by the town councils, is the simplification of the processing of urban planning. The new Decree provides, as the Consell had asked, that town councils of up to 10,000 inhabitants can formulate and approve initially and provisionally a single general plan that includes both structural and detailed urban planning, without the need for a detailed planning plan.