Abaqua provides Banyalbufar with an emergency supply to meet the needs of the population

Jun 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Mallorcan town has re-established its water supply thanks to the service provided by the public entity through the Son Pacs dispenser, from where the Town Hall has already withdrawn more than 300,000 litres since last Thursday.

Abaqua has provided Banyalbufar with an emergency water supply to meet the needs of its population. The Mallorcan town has re-established its water supply thanks to the service provided by the public entity through the Son Pacs dispenser, from where the Town Council has already withdrawn more than 300,000 litres of drinking water.

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In addition to this emergency supply, the Government of the Balearic Islands, through the Department of the Sea and Water Cycle, has proposed an agreement to Banyalbufar Town Council to provide the municipality located in the Serra de Tramuntana with a regulated drinking water supply that is guaranteed in the long term.

This morning, the councillor for the Sea and Water Cycle, Juan Manuel Lafuente, and the manager of Abaqua, Emeterio Moles, met with the councillor for the environment, Francesca Iuculano, to learn first-hand about the water supply problems and their concerns.

Thanks to this collaboration, Abaqua undertakes to provide the Mallorcan town with a water dispensing service from the high water network, to which the desalination plants are connected and which can be transported by lorry from the Son Pacs facilities. This agreement must be approved by the Municipal Plenary and the Board of Directors of the public company, guaranteeing support for future dates.

After the visit, councillor Juan Manuel Lafuente acknowledged that the government is ‘very aware of the seriousness’ of the situation facing Banyalbufar and has pledged to collaborate in the search for solutions. ‘The collaboration with Abaqua and the use of water tankers from Son Pacs is a crucial measure to mitigate the effects of the drought,’ he said. They were also reminded that, through the island councils, the government is making a total of 20 million euros available to improve the efficiency of the distribution networks.

On the 21st of May, the mayoress of Banyalbufar, Eleonor Bosch, issued an urgent municipal notice announcing that the drinking water supply in the town would be cut off from eleven o’clock at night until four o’clock in the afternoon. This drastic measure could be reversed thanks to the rapid availability of the Govern’s resources by means of a system of loading water trucks from the mains network that is already in use in other municipalities in the Serra de Tramuntana, such as Puigpunyent and Deià. Thus, since last Thursday, the municipality has made use of the service offered from Son Pacs, allowing the supply to be re-established in the town centre since last Monday, although with the daily consumption limited to 75 litres per inhabitant and tourist place, and on rural land since yesterday.

The Regional Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle is seeking to alleviate the effects of the hydrological drought pre-alert that is particularly affecting the towns in the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range, where the mains supply network does not reach.