The Consell de Mallorca remodels and improves the aesthetics of the roundabout at the entrance to sa Ràpita

Jun 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The work, which was a long-standing demand of the Town Hall of Campos, was completed a few days ago with an investment of some 50,000 euros.

The Consell de Mallorca has completed the refurbishment and beautification of the roundabout at the entrance to sa Ràpita from the Campos road (Ma-6030). The walls of the surrounding margins have been refurbished and repaired, and new landscaping has been installed, with native trees to improve the image of the roundabout, which was quite degraded.

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Remodels and improves the aesthetics of the roundabout at the entrance to sa Ràpita

The beautification of the infrastructure consisted of placing aggregate materials of different colours on top of the surface, with a fence to prevent the growth of weeds. Overall, the action has cost approximately 50,000 euros, to improve the aesthetics of an infrastructure that was degraded by the effects of vegetation.

This was a long-standing demand of the Campos Town Council, as it is the access to the main coastal town of the municipality, and it needed to be improved and cleaned up aesthetically. The Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures of the Consell de Mallorca has listened to this demand, and the remodelling and refurbishment of the sa Ràpita roundabout is now a reality.