Education favours the increase in 0-3 places and creates a supplement for places that are difficult and very difficult to fill

Jun 8, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The initiatives are included in the Decree-Law on urgent measures for administrative simplification and rationalisation.

The right of Baccalaureate students to have access to the school transport service is also recognised.

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Education favours the increase in 0-3 places

The Councillor for Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, accompanied by the Secretary Autonòmic, Mateu Suñer; the Secretary General, Pilar Guasp; the Director General of Teaching Staff and Teaching Centres, Ismael Alonso; the Director General of Early Childhood, Attention to Diversity and Educational Improvement, Neus Riera, and the Director General of Vocational Training and Educational Organisation, Maria Isabel Salas, today explained the educational measures contained in Decree Law 3/2024, of 24 May, on urgent measures for administrative simplification and rationalisation. Councillor Vera indicated that one of the measures included in the Decree-Law is to encourage the creation of places for children from 0 to 3 years of age and to create a supplement for places that are difficult and very difficult to fill.

With regard to the creation of new places in the first cycle of infant education, and in order to respond to the increase in demand and the needs of families as a result of the free education at all levels that has been implemented this school year, the councillor explained that the Regional Ministry is moving towards the agreement of places for children from 0 to 3 years old in private centres.

On the other hand, the Decree-Law includes the creation of a supplement for teaching places that are difficult and very difficult to fill. Now, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has the legal mechanisms to be able to establish the criteria for declaring these places and establishing their complements, which will be carried out in the Consell de Govern. It will also establish the places that are considered to be of a singular nature due to their dangerous, arduous or toxic nature, and will determine their specific annual allowances.

Other initiatives explained by councillor Vera are the recognition of the right to public transport for Baccalaureate students, the implementation of a system to streamline and make more efficient the payment system for the School Accompaniment Programme (PAE) and the Programme for Educational Guidance, Advancement and Enrichment PROA+, the specific costs of the UECCO classrooms and the social security costs of vocational training students who have to do work experience in publicly funded private schools. This initiative will involve a flexible system of financing on the same terms as public schools.

In addition, the minister also explained that various measures have been adopted to speed up the construction and improvement of both public and subsidised schools in the Balearic Islands.

More teachers

The councillor Antoni Vera also indicated that by the next academic year 2024-2025, public schools will be staffed with at least 600 more teachers, a figure that may be increased to meet the needs of the educational community.

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has increased the quota (the number of teachers assigned to each school) in order to improve ratios and academic results and to enable displaced teachers to return.