The Consell de Mallorca highlights the 24% increase in the selective collection of organic matter compared to 2023

Jun 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On World Environment Day, President Galmés took part in the prize-giving ceremony of the 1st Tirme Circular Economy School Competition

On World Environment Day, the President of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, took part in the prize-giving ceremony of the 1st Circular Economy School Competition ‘Transform your creativity into a circular world’ organised by Tirme, the concessionaire of the public urban waste treatment service in Mallorca. A day of environmental awareness at the Environmental Technology Park of Mallorca, in which the president of the island’s institution said that the selective collection in Mallorca ‘has not stopped growing since the service began: it has gone from 33,524 tonnes in 2000 to 156,140 tonnes in 2023, multiplying almost fivefold. In addition, this year the selective collection has increased compared to 2023: 24% for organic matter, 15% for pruning and 7% for packaging, among other fractions”.

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The Consell de Mallorca highlights the 24% increase in the selective collection of organic matter

1st Circular Economy School Competition

President Galmés took part in the awards ceremony of the 1st Circular Economy School Competition, which aims to promote environmental education by inspiring students to develop creative solutions to environmental challenges. Participants have made toys and other objects using waste materials, thus encouraging reuse. Two prizes were awarded in the primary category and two in the secondary category. The winners were IES Sineu (3rd of ESO), Pius XII (3rd of ESO), the school Madre Alberta (4th of primary) and CEIP Pedra Viva (5th of primary). Galmés, after congratulating the winners, remarked that ‘it is an honour to see the high level of all the creations presented by the island’s schoolchildren in this first edition of the competition, and to be able to share this day with all of them on World Environment Day. A day to reflect on our relationship with the planet and to become more aware of the measures to protect it. Their creativity, ingenuity, enthusiasm and commitment are key to building a more sustainable society. We must preserve the environment because it is our legacy for future generations”. During the day, the schoolchildren took part in various activities on the subject of waste in a fun and educational way.

An international reference model

The Tirme waste treatment facilities, pioneers worldwide, have been visited by more than 200,000 people since 2004. So far this year alone, 3,528 people have visited the facilities and the aim is to exceed 8,000 visits by the end of the year. On the other hand, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the start of work on the first Tirme facilities. Throughout these three decades, 14.2 million tonnes of waste have been avoided, which is equivalent to 205 football stadiums such as Son Moix or a line of lorries that would circle the world almost twice over. “The Consell de Mallorca’s waste treatment service has undoubtedly made Mallorca a more sustainable and circular island. Years ago, the Consell de Mallorca was ahead of the most demanding environmental regulations of the European Union, thanks to a management and treatment model that, thirty years later, is an example of collective success and on which we will continue to work to make further progress”, concluded the president of the island’s institution.