150 children of the IMAS foster care programmes enjoy a playful day organised by the Consell de Mallorca

Jun 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president Llorenç Galmés thanked the families for their work during the meeting held at the Sant Ferran sports centre.

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150 children of the IMAS foster care programmes enjoy a playful day

150 children who live with foster families in Mallorca have enjoyed today a day of fun and sports organised by the Consell de Mallorca in the sports centre of Sant Ferran. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, together with the president of IMAS, Guillermo Sánchez, shared part of the day with these children and their foster families, whom they thanked for their work and commitment.

“All children and adolescents have the right to enjoy the experiences appropriate to their age and the Consell de Mallorca will provide all the necessary resources to make this right effective. Today we have proof of this. Thanks to the collaboration between IMAS and the Sports Department of the Consell, 150 children and their host families can share laughter and moments of complicity, as well as get to know and exchange experiences,’ said Galmés

For his part, the councillor Guillermo Sánchez remarked that ‘today’s event is an opportunity to show everyone that foster care is an experience that enriches us all: families, children and society’ and recalled that ‘IMAS wants to continue promoting the culture of foster care, which is why the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials launched last month the campaign “Crèixer en família” (Growing up in a family). We need more families willing to open their homes to children and adolescents who are temporarily unable to live in their own”.

A total of 487 children and adolescents live with 482 foster families in Mallorca. Today in Sant Ferran, the children under the age of 12 enjoyed the different exercise stations and original games. The wide range of activities included pool and water games, a climbing wall in the pavilion, inflatables and various sports – some of them innovative – such as football, paddle tennis, flog rugby and touchball.