Binissalem hosts the first concert of choirs of senior citizens with great success

Jun 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of 700 people are taking part in the four concerts being held this week in different municipalities around Mallorca, specifically in the Binissalem Municipal Theatre, the Porreres Auditorium (12th June), the Alcúdia Auditorium (13th June) and the Cala Rajada Auditorium (14th June).

Víctor Martí, mayor of Binissalem, said: ‘It is a great pleasure to welcome these choirs from all over Mallorca to Binissalem. Binissalem is very proud to be able to help our seniors enjoy music. It fosters intergenerational relations among the participants, their social integration and their participation in a group project.

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Binissalem hosts the first concert of choirs of senior citizens with great success

The first concert in Binissalem was inaugurated by the president, Llorenç Galmés, who highlighted the success of the event and emphasised that ‘our senior citizens are a priority for this council, and we are making their demands a reality’. Galmés explained that the event ‘brings together voices full of experience, emotion and passion for music’ and thanked them for sharing their talent with those present.

The Consell de Mallorca has provided coaches for the transport of all the participants so that they can enjoy this event without any impediment and has given the choir members a folder for their sheet music. At the end of the meeting, all the choirs sang ‘La Balanguera’.

700 people take part in the Consell de Mallorca’s meetings of choirs for the elderly

The island institution organises four concerts bringing together 22 associations and choirs in Binissalem, Porreres, Alcúdia and Capdepera.

The island institution brings together 22 associations and choirs of the elderly, including the Orquestra Gent Gran de Mallorca, Persones Majors de Son Forteza, Esplai Gent Gran Es Forti, Amics de la Tercera Edat de Binissalem, Students and alumni of the Universitat Oberta de Majors, Tercera Edad de Sóller, Real Hermandad de Veteranos de las Fuerzas Armadas y de la Guardia Civil de Mallorca, Veïnats del barri Nou Llevant, Gent Gran del Camp Rodó, Persones Majors de Porreres, Persones Majors ‘Ca Nostra’ de Capdepera, Persones Majors de Montuïri, Persones Majors Es Turó de Pòrtol, Coral Nostàlgics, Gent Gran El Toro, Gent Gran de Son Dameto, Amics de la Tercera Edat de Bona Gent, Germandat de Mestres Jubilats i Jubilades de les Illes Balears, Persones Majors de Son Sardina, Sa Garriga i Son Espanyol, Majors del Centre Cívic de la Colònia de Sant Jordi, Personas Mayores de Sant Joan and Gent Gran d’Alcúdia.