The Consell Insular de Menorca to use mobile mapping

Jun 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell Insular will use ‘mobile mapping’ to make it more accessible to visitors and to be able to make different routes, paths and excursions with greater precision.
This technology is a 3D laser scanning methodology that takes accurate and quality data.

The Consell Insular de Menorca has awarded the implementation of the ‘mobile mapping’ tool in the urban centres and road network associated with the Port of Maó and the subsequent development of a 10-centimetre GSD orthophotography that will soon be available on the IDE Menorca, an aerial and interactive image that will provide accurate cartographic data that will help visitors and administrations.

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The Consell Insular de Menorca to use mobile mapping

This technology is a 3D laser scanning methodology that is incorporated on top of a moving device, mostly a vehicle, and takes accurate and quality data as it moves through a space. This makes it possible to obtain geolocated 360º aerial images, measure distances by computer, provide assistance for land delimitation, improve access and adjust road safety.

“The objective pursued by the Tourism Promotion and European Funds Service with this project is to provide more accurate cartographic data of the Port of Maó, both on a land and aerial scale, to make it more accessible to the civil society that visits the island and to be able to make different routes, paths and excursions with greater precision. In addition, it will also be of help to the different tour operators, as the layout of the different routes will enable them to get to know their advantages better, and it will also help the different public administrations with the precision of the data they will provide,’ explains Begoña Mercadal, the island’s director of Tourism Promotion and European Funds.

This project is being carried out within the scope of the Port of Maó for the programme of actions of the Tourism Sustainability Plan 2030, financed with extraordinary European funds ‘Next Generation’. The contract was awarded for 65,000 euros, VAT included, to the company Infraplan Geospatial for the 11-month duration of the contract.